TITLE: Incomplete Truth

In life lies all of her teachings and truths, she can often reveal a lot of these remarkable features but never all. This artwork attempts to portray life as an incomplete truth by the subject revealing her natural self, but not all of it.

Medium: charcoal, graphite and coffee on paper
Size: 31×41 inches
Date: 2023
Duration: 5 weeks

TITLE: Enigma

Enigma is state of being mysterious. The artwork portrays mystery in its elegant but yet incomprehensible style as an attraction of value. The subject refrains from revealing too much herself as an act of providence.

Medium: charcoal, graphite and coffee on paper
Size: 31×42 inches
Date: 2023
Duration: 5 weeks

TITLE: Peace in Freedo

This work portrays peace existence in freedom and vice-versa.
Ebuka in this art attempt to represent freedom as the scarf being blown away from covering her face coupled with the dilated symbol drawn in her eyes representing peace.
It speaks about the relevance of both co-existing.

Medium: charcoal, graphite and coffee on paper
Size: 14×19.5 inches
Date: 2022
Duration: 2 weeks

TITLE: Peace in Freedom 2

The portrait is intended as an expansion of peace in freedom.
Ebuka Anyiam create this portrait with a different subject but keeps the same message with the wind in her scarf representing freedom and the symbol of peace in her eyes.

Medium: charcoal, graphite and coffee on paper
Size: 14×20 inches
Date: 2022
Duration: 2 weeks

TITLE: Trinity

These three works represent trinity, which portrays the unity of the mind, body and soul. The artworks present the symbols of trinity in the eyes of the three different portraits and also admit they coexist still in one person.

MEDIUM: graphite and charcoal on paper.
SIZE: 24×26 inches each

TITLE: Miracle

The definition of miracle is an extra ordinary event that is inexplicable by natural and science laws. Here he portrays the miracle of life by visualizing the mix of the broken glass in his eyes coupled with the ability for him to see. Imploring humanity to comprehend that struggles is as broken glass in the eyes but comes with no impaired sight as we become stronger because of it
MEDIUM: graphite and charcoal on paper.
SIZE: 21×29.5 inches.

TITLE: Intertwine

Intertwine represents the balance of both
good and bad. It brings together all elements that construct the purpose of balance in the world, asking a question why they must intertwine to bring to reality its purpose.

MEDIUM: graphite and charcoal on paper.
SIZE: 27.5×39 inches.


Uwa in Igbo language means the world. Ebuka explores naivety of a child staring into a vacuum as she sucks her thumb; heintentionally juxtaposes the pupil of a child with the world in her eyes, urging his audience to perceive reality through the innocence eyes of a child

MEDIUM: graphite and charcoal on paper.
SIZE: 40x35inches.